Company Overview

Secure Compliant B2B Integration Solutions

SAA have been delivering advanced integration and B2B solutions since REIMS was released in 2000. Now SAA has re-designed and re-developed the REIMS product range with a new architecture to consolidate and streamline effective business information exchange internally within an organisation and externally with customers, suppliers, Government and business partners. REIMS is now location and platform independent running On Premise, Hosted or in the Cloud including on an organisations public cloud of choice. In addition REIMS is also an appropriate engine for compliance as our security model is designed and proved to meet the latest security requirements and they are available for On-Premise, Hosted or Cloud deployment.

The proof of these security and compliance features is demonstrated by the fact that REIMS is an accredited product for Payment Submissions for the BACSTEL-IP Service, as updated in 2016 for their SHA 256 security profile. In addition each year REIMS continues to gain HMRC recognition for the submission and receipt of PAYE/RTI Payroll Scheme documents via the secure Government HMRC connection method. So whether it is an existing Integration requirement or more than 15 years old or a future project based on the latest security requirements and digital API's we have the solution in the REIMS Product Range.

A breakdown of SAA

Enterprise Strength Secure B2B Products

SAA has many years’ experience within business and government communications and in meeting the secure business integration requirements of our targeted corporate and service provider user community. This experience has been harnessed to develop world-class TIES Internetworking enabling products, based on secure Internet standards, EDI, XML, Web Services, Business Process Management (BPM) and now platform independent technologies. The REIMS products conform to the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) architecture, can be implemented across multiple platforms including Linux Windows Server, UNIX and IBMi and multiple Clouds including Amazon Web Services and MS Azure. However the REIMS Product is not tied to any specific Infrastructure so it can be deployed across a range of environments.

Professional Service Provision

As a Professional Service Provider (PSP) we are committed to delivering cost effective online services to support both ad hoc and strategic corporate requirements.

Flexibility and Choice

The REIMS range was developed with and for our customers and is based upon the concept of providing a suite of products and services that support the different facets of Secure Commerce and business-to-business (B2B) integration via the Virtual Business Networking (VBN) architecture.

By offering a range of products and services SAA can deliver and support the level of business interoperability appropriate to your organisation's specific requirements, enabling your organisation to streamline business processes, improve productivity and work more effectively. Such flexibility and choice are essential in today's competitive and dynamic marketplace.

Continuity of Service and a Continuous Development Programme

The REIMS solutions are guaranteed for the longer term and SAA already has a continuous development programme reaching across the next two version cycles from 2025. SAA has delivered on a promise of a product development cycle from the introduction of REIMS in 2000 to the current release we have at this present time.